Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Do Unto Others

Do unto others

“Do to others what you want them to do to you. This is the meaning of the law of Moses and the teachings of the prophets.” 
                                           Matthew 7:12

Question, how would you feel if people constantly told you that you couldn’t do something that was perfectly legal and not hurting anyone?
A Christian example would be the prohibiting the praying of the Lord’s prayer in school.
I know among Christian circles, this is a sore point. Even though, it’s been in place for years now, occasionally you hear it brought up by Evangelists and others in the media.
It’s not that the Lord’s prayer is in anyway wrong. It’s just that the “secular authorities” feel it would be bias to allow the Lord’s prayer and not let prayers of other faiths be prayed.
When it comes to prayers in Public School, I don’t think the faith community at large has a problem with the Lord’s prayer or prayers of other  being spoken, as long as, they are not imposed on them.
The bottom line in all of this ,is the fact that the Public School system is just that public.  It’s a secular institution set up to educate all people irrespective of what they believe.
It is not there to cater to any one belief system.  As one of my friends once noted “in order to function properly, the Public School system must by nature be very clinical.”
It’s the same when it comes to gay marriage.
We live in a secular world, that like the public school system has to be very clinical.
I know the word marriage for me means a great deal. It means a covenant between my wife and myself under God. I also know that applies to some same sex couples.
By entering into marriage we agreed to a life long relationship.
Sadly many in both the Christian and secular world break that covenant every day.
To them it seems that the word marriage is just a word, as one dictionary definition puts it, “concluded primarily to achieve a practical purpose”.
Secular governments don’t recognize what God considers marriage.
They see the facts and only the facts. They don’t set morals, that is the job of faith groups.
Now I say all of that to say this. Christians must be careful what they say and how they say it. Especially when it comes to speaking out against the gay and lesbian community and same sex marriages.
God knows what it right or wrong. It is not up to us as Christians to judge anyone or anything.
Our purpose according to Jesus is to present the gospel to the world.
God knows if same sex marriage is right or wrong. He knows who’s lifestyle is acceptable to Him.
I know some who claim to be Christians who’s lifestyle I think would not be acceptable to God. But it’s not for me to judge.
If the secular authorities want to allow same sex marriage it should matter little to Christians as long as churches opposing for religious reasons are not forced to perform those marriages.
We are blessed to live in a free and democratic society. Still, however, we must remember, we live in a secular society. Governments in a society, such as ours. must do what is best for all people, irrespective of their beliefs.
I think that’s why Jesus said, “Do to others what you want them to do to you. This is the meaning of the law of Moses and the teachings of the prophets.” 
                                                                                    Matthew 7:12
He knew that Christians would be living in a secular world. He fully understood that they would be one of many beliefs in a cosmopolitan world.
That what they believed would be one belief system among many.
Jesus knew full well that as the Gospel spread it would enter areas that had no understanding of the Jewish roots from which Christianity came. That Christians would be the minority.
That’s why he made it clear in Matthew 7:1,2 that we are not to judge anyone.
I also think Jesus knew that one day, in parts of the world Christianity would be the dominant religion. That we would have the power to crush those we disagreed with, even in a secular society.
        History is full of examples of people claiming to be Christians trying to destroy those whom they disagree with. This is wrong.
That’s why he made it clear, “Do to others what you want them to do to you. This is the meaning of the law of Moses and the teachings of the prophets.” 
                                                                                     Matthew 7:12
I hear in the media Christian leaders coming against persecution. Noting that Christians in many parts of the world are not tolerated even while we in the west tolerate all beliefs.
Perhaps tolerance is a legacy we Christians have given to western nations.
Tolerance and a none judgmental attitude are two of the pillars of Christian belief. The third and most important I believe is reaching out to all mankind with the good news of Jesus Christ.
Jesus said, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:19,20.
We cannot reach a lost and dying world if we even hint at being intolerant. Nor will we be able to reach the world if we impose on others things we would not want imposed on ourselves.
          Reach out to the Gay and Lesbian society offer them the hand of  friendship. Tell them of the Love of Christ.

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