Sunday, 7 June 2015

Eight point three percent

Eight point three percent

“I love the LORD, for he heard my voice; he heard my cry for mercy. 
Because he turned his ear to me, I will call on him as long as I live.” 
                                                                                           Psalm 116:1,2
Do you pray?
  Prayer put simply is talking to God.
However it’s more than giving a shopping list to God. Saying I want this, I want that.
In Hebrew the word for prayer is tefilah. Simple put it means petition, worship thanksgiving, praise, confession as well as having communion with God.
Someone has said,
“Prayer, therefore, is an introspective process that helps us examine ourselves, judge situations, differentiate between right and wrong, clarify our relationship with God, and decide on a course of action.”
Sadly in the electronic age we live in, people are finding less and less time to pray. We live in a world that never seems to stop. A world that demands more and more of our time. Never the less we need to stop.
We need to take time to pray. To quiet our minds and commune with God. To receive His wisdom and express our thoughts to him.
Here is something to think about,
Thirty six minutes

Thirty-six minutes
God gives you 1440 minutes in a day
Sleep takes up 448 minutes,
Work and travelling to and from work takes up 600minutes,
You are left with  360 minutes for yourself.
Are you willing to tithe some of those minutes.
Just 36 of them with God?
Are you willing to spend just 2.5% of all the minutes in a day 
God give you, with Him?

On Sunday God still gives you one thousand four hundred forty minutes.
Sleep again takes up four hundred forty-eight.
But work for most people is not a factor.
So are you willing to give God
One hundred Twenty of those minutes?

Are you willing to rise as you would for work
And go to church?
Giving back in praise and worship to God
Eight point three percent of what God gave you?

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