Friday, 19 August 2016

He Who Teaches His Children

He who Teaches His Children
“Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.” Proverbs 22:6.
      As Christians we need to be teaching our children what is right and wrong. We need to be presenting our faith to them in word and in deed.
In order that our children see the truth of our faith in Christ we must live it in front of them every day.
By that I do not mean forcing the Bible down their throat. Doing so will only make them rebel.
 I have seen many children from Christian homes over the years turn away from God. They turned away because in many cases their parents either were not living their faith correctly or forcing their faith on them.
They were either parents who went to Church on Sunday but did as they liked during the week. God being far from the centre of their lives.
 The other parents are those who truly love God. Who with the best of intentions force the bible on their children. They use it constantly to correct their children. Making their faith seem like a lot of do’s and do not. Mostly do not.
Joshua Loth Libman wrote,
“Give your children unconditional love, a love that is not dependent on report cards, clean hands, or popularity.  Give your children a sense of your whole-hearted acceptance, acceptance of their human frailties as well as their abilities and virtues.  Give your children your permission to grow up to make their own lives independent of you.  Give them a sense of truth; make them aware of themselves as citizens of a universe in which there are many obstacles as well as fulfillments. 
 Bestow upon your child the blessings of your faith.  These are the laws of honouring your son and your daughter.  Out of these laws will be built the Declaration of Independence for the coming generation, a spiritual and emotional independence that, in turn, will make the world free, democratic, safe, creative.”Joshua Loth Liebman.
If we love our children we will let them have the freedom to be themselves. If we live our faith in front of them they will see that it is indeed a good thing. Something they want.
Francis of Assisi wrote,
“Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary use words.”Francis of Assisi. This applies as much to our families as the world around us.
Always remember what you teach your children will be passed on to the next generation.
The Talmud while a Jewish book and not Christian has many things that applies to Christians one is,
“Whoever teaches his son teaches not alone his son but also his son’s son, and so on to the end of generations.” The Talmud.
Do not underestimate what influence your words and deed have on your children and on their Children.
Always remember your influence on your children can go one of two ways. It will point them to God or turn them away from God.
Remember these words of Francis of Assisi,
“The deeds you do may be the only sermon some persons will hear today”  Francis of Assisi.
The world is not only watching you, your children are also. Do your best to live a godly life in front of them.
Please think about it. 

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