Wednesday, 20 November 2019


           In the book of Exodus we read that God tells us,
“You shall have no other gods before me.”
                                                            Exodus 20:3.
Here is one of the absolute values of Christianity. Christians are to have no other god’s except the Lord God Almighty.
Sadly however to many people especially here in North America have many other gods. Gods that they put ahead of the One True God. These gods range from the god of materialism, to the gods of politics, to their love of self and much more.
As Christians we must be careful that we don’t let other gods into our lives. Just because you have said the sinners prayer doesn’t mean you will necessarily get to heaven.
Leonard Ravenhill an English/American evangelist has said,
“The sinner's prayer has sent more people to hell 
than all the taverns in America.” 
                                                   Leonard Ravenhill
“I doubt if 5% of professing Christians in America are born again
and that's true of England!” 
                                  Leonard Ravenhill 
To be a Christian you have to truly believe the teachings of Christ and to put those teachings in your day to day life. You have to be willing to give up everything. As someone has said,
F. A. I.T. H. 
Take Him. 
That means putting aside the gods of this world, materialism, money, politics, self. It means being willing to follow Christ to the grave if necessary.
So my question to anyone reading this who claims to be a Christian is, Are you willing to
Forsake all and follow him?
Please think about it.

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