Friday, 16 October 2020

Think about this

 Think about this

John’s gospel records,

"Jesus wept." 

                   John 11:35

Charles H. Spurgeon said,

“A Jesus who never wept could never wipe away my tears.”

                                                                       Charles H. Spurgeon.

Jesus understands what it is to be human. In coming to the earth that he created he experienced first hand what it was to be human. 

Jesus experienced first hand what it was like to feel the sun and rain against his face. The smell of an olive grove. He felt the pain of a friend dying and the joy of friends when he raised that man from the grave. He experienced the love of his earthly parents. The joy of a wedding feast. 

He also experience what it was to be rejected, brutally beaten and anguish of death on a cross for a crime he didn’t commit.

Thus when we stand before Him on judgement day we cannot say to him “you don’t understand what it is to be human because you have always been almighty.”

We can’t say this because Jesus came from heaven to earth to experience all that it is to be a human being. 

We can’t say that God did not care for us because the apostle Paul reminds us,

"But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8.

Please think about it.

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