Thursday, 5 December 2024

Using your gifts

 Using your gifts

The apostle Peter wrote,

"Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms." 1 Peter 4:10.

Do you use the gifts you have received for God? Do you believe you have any gifts God can use?

Sadly there are many within the church who don’t think they have any gifts God can use. Which is sad because if you are willing God will use you for the furtherance of His Kingdom.

I knew a young woman named Sharon who thought she had no gifts. She came from a poor background. People in the small town where she lived looked down on her and her family.

She wasn’t well educated. She certainly couldn’t preach from the pulpit. She didn’t communicate things well and she was “socially awkward”. Unsure how to act in certain circumstances. 

When I met her she was sweeping floors and cleaning tables at a Christian coffee shop outreach where I was performing.

Long story short. Within two years of my meeting her we were married and we were living along way away from here home town, where people didn’t know her.

Our marriage changed her life in many ways. We got involved with a good church, where she became a volunteer librarian. Additionally we hosted a bible study in our apartment.

During those early years we also moved around quite a bit before a series of events brought us to a small Canadian city where we settled down and joined a church.

Again Sharon volunteered as a librarian. At the same time she got involved with various Christian women’s groups both with our church and outside.

At the same time we opened our house particularly on holidays. We’d invite people who were going to spent the holidays alone to come. An event Sharon liked hosting.

Now Sharon never became a great preacher, teacher, or evangelist and her name will one day be lost to history. Still that doesn’t matter. She is known to God and she gave what she had for God to use and he did.

When she passed away after a long illness over a hundred people came to her funeral. All of whom had been touched by her life in one way or another.

Sharon had always called herself “ordinary”. With very little for God us use. Yet she gave what she had and blessed many by doing so.

So my point here is if God can use Sharon a poor girl from a small Canadian village. He can use you. You may not become a world renowned evangelist. But then very few who work for the Lord are.

The important thing is, as the apostle Peter wrote,

"Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, 

faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms." 

                                                                                                   1 Peter 4:10.

Are you doing this?

Please think about it.

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