Showing posts with label "Consider this". Show all posts
Showing posts with label "Consider this". Show all posts

Saturday, 3 December 2022

Consider this

  Consider this

“Let a man so consider us, as servants of Christ 

and stewards of the mysteries of God. 

Moreover it is required in stewards that one be found faithful.

1Corinthians 4:1,2  

  As believers in Christ we are not just servants of Christ but "stewards of Christ." Stewards of the mysteries of God.

   A steward was someone who administered all the affairs of his masters house. Joseph was Potiphars steward in the book of Genesis (Genesis 39:2-19).

  Stewards must be loyal and faithful to their master.

  As stewards of "the mysteries of God" we must stay true to the word of God. We must manage the message of Christ correctly. To do less is to betray our master Jesus. To betray God.

    The consequences for not doing so could be eternal. For ourselves and those around us.

    A great light shines on the believer in Christ. If we believe the words of Jesus recorded in the gospel of John,

  Where Jesus said ...."I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6.

So the question becomes, if you consider yourself a Christian, a believer in Christ Jesus do you administer the word of God correctly.

Please think about it.

Sunday, 9 February 2020

Consider this

Consider this.
Jesus Prayed,
“My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me....  
“Righteous Father, though the world does not know you, I know you, and they know that you have sent me.  
I have made you known to them, and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them.” John 17:20,21,25,26,
Prior to this John records Jesus as saying,
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.  
By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:34,35.
The Christian life is all about Love. All those who believe in Christ Jesus must love and show that love to all those around them, family, friend, and foe alike.
It is by this love that the world will know that we are of God the apostle John writes,
“Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.  Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.” 1John 4:7,8.
Francis of Assisi wrote this prayer. A prayer every Christian should think about praying in all sincerity. He wrote,
"Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love,
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
And where there is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console,
to be understood as to understand,
to be loved, as to love.

For it is in giving that we receive,
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life." 
                                                                 Francis of Assisi
If you consider yourself a Christian. A believer in Christ Jesus,....
Please think about it.