Showing posts with label "To be praised". Show all posts
Showing posts with label "To be praised". Show all posts

Monday, 7 November 2022

To be Praised

  To be praised

The Psalmist writes,

"From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the LORD is to be praised." Psalm 113:3.

Some one once told me the intent of this verse from Psalm 113 is simple. God is to be praised everywhere.

I firmly believe this is true. Today around the world there are billions of Christians who are praising The Lord God Almighty. It may be quietly in a secret house church. In a country where Christians are persecuted. It may be in a prison cell. OR it may be in churches on the streets and in the media of the free nations of the world.

No matter where Christians are. They will find a way to praise the Lord today and every day.

If you are a Christian that lives in the free democracies of the world don’t just praise God. Take time to ask God to protect and give wisdom to those around the world who are persecuted for being Christians and must worship and praise Him in secret.

Please don’t just think about it. Do it!