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Showing posts with label capable. Show all posts

Wednesday, 5 February 2020

Do Not

Do not
Jesus said,
“Do not judge, or you too will be judged.  
For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”Matthew 7:1,2
These are the words of Jesus not mine. As Christians we cannot afford to judge people. We must love people.
The late American evangelist Billy Graham said,
It is the Holy Spirits Job to Convict, 
God’s job to judge
 and my job to love, 
                              Billy Graham
James the half brother of Jesus said,
“Speak and act as those who are going to be judged by the law that gives freedom,  because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment!” James 2:12,13.
The American civil rights leader Martin Luther King jr., said,
Love is the only force capable 
of transforming an enemy into friend. 
                                            Martin Luther King, Jr.
We as believer in Christ Jesus are the representatives of Christ in this world. As a result we must love, God, our neighbour, our family and our enemy.
We must do this because the eternal resting place of someone we meet might depend on our actions.
If you consider yourself a believer in Christ Jesus...
Please think about this.