Showing posts with label those in prison. Show all posts
Showing posts with label those in prison. Show all posts

Monday, 16 March 2020

Remember them

Remember them
The writer of Hebrews states,
“Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.”Hebrews 13:3.
If you claim to be a Christian. A follower of Christ Jesus. Do you pray for those fellow Christians who are in prison?
Today there are thousands of Christians in prison for their faith around the world. It is said that a Christian dies for their faith every seven minutes somewhere in the world.
Lately we are hearing a lot about the persecution of various groups. Yet it seems to me we hear very little about the persecution of Christians.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel declared that Christianity is "the most persecuted religion in the world." 
Today as you read this Christians in North Korea must meet in secret. To be caught worshipping God is at the very least a prison sentence doing hard labour. And while North Korea is considered the worst place to be a Christian, there are many other countries around the world where being a Christian can get you thrown in prison, attacked, even murdered.
Thus we Christians in the western democracies with all the freedoms we have, must remember to pray for and support those around the world who are suffering for the sake of Christ.
 Thus I would ask anyone reading this who claims to be a Christian, please pray for those brothers and sisters who are suffering for their faith in Christ Jesus.
Please Pray.