Showing posts with label your choice you decide. Show all posts
Showing posts with label your choice you decide. Show all posts

Tuesday, 27 February 2018

Showing favorites

Showing favorites
James the half brother of Jesus writes,
"If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, “Love your neighbor as yourself,” you are doing right.  
But if you show favoritism, you sin and are convicted by the law as lawbreakers.  
For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it.  
For he who said, “Do not commit adultery,” also said, “Do not murder.” If you do not commit adultery but do commit murder, you have become a lawbreaker. 
Speak and act as those who are going to be judged by the law that gives freedom,  because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment!" James 2:8-13.
Do you or the congregation you attend show favourites? Think carefully about it.     
Here’s some scenario’s for you to think about.
1/ If a man, or woman, living on the street dressed in dirty clothing. Someone who may have not had a shower in a few days came into your church congregation how would he or she be greeted?
2/If a man, or woman impeccably dressed wearing expensive clothing entered your church congregation how would they be met?
3/If a man or woman dressed in blue jeans, tee shirt and flip flops entered your congregation how would they be greeted?
4/ If two gay men or women, entered your church holding hands how would they be greeted?
Now think of this. All these people are in need of the love of God. How you react to these people could very well determine where they may spend eternity.
Jesus never showed favouritism. He interacted with all people, Samaritans, Tax collectors, Roman soldiers, Jews, and Non-Jews.
Jesus said,
"Do not judge, or you too will be judged.  
For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” Matthew 7:1,2.
Jesus who had the right to judge them never did. He realized his job on this earth was to save souls.
John’s gospel quotes Jesus speaking of himself as saying,
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.  
For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world.” John 3:16,17.
Speaking to his disciples and through them to us today Jesus said,
“Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.  
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,  and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:18-20.
One of the things Jesus taught us was,
“So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets” Matthew 7:12.
So think of things this way. If you were to enter a church congregation would you want to be judged for the way you looked or what you are?
Or would you want to hear the unadulterated word of God presented to you in a loving way? Showing you the way to heaven?
Please think about it.