Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Eternal Consequences

Read Titus 2
But as for you, 
speak the things which are proper for sound doctrine:
that the older men
 be sober, reverent, temperate, sound in faith, in love, in patience;
the older women likewise,
 that they be reverent in behaviour,
 not slanderers, not given to much wine,
 teachers of good things–
that they admonish the young women to 
love their husbands, 
to love their children.
To be discreet,
 chaste, homemaker’s, good, 
obedient to their own husbands, 
that the Word of God may not be blasphemed.
Likewise, exhort the young men to be sober-minded,
in all things showing yourself 
to be a pattern of good works: in doctrine
integrity, reverence, incorruptibility,”
sound speech that cannot be condemned, 
that one who is an opponent maybe ashamed, 
having nothing evil to say of you.”
                                        Titus 2:1-8
Take a good look at the words above in
* all things showing yourself
* to be a pattern of good works in doctrine showing
* showing integrity,
* sound speech that cannot be condemned
* having nothing evil to say of you.”
All too often, people do have evil to say of Christians, because the example they have seen is negative.
Some groups of people don’t feel welcome in our churches.  They feel they are being condemned.  As a result, they run the other way, when asked to come.
     The world sees self-appointed Christian leaders and speakers, pointing fingers in judgment at various groups. As a result they call all Christians hypocrites, and hate mongers or worse.
The world sees Christian businesses as a Christian version of the secular world.  They see no difference between us and the world.  How sad.
“Judge not” said Jesus.
While Paul here, tells us we should be an example of integrity, reverence, incorruptibility and sound speech that cannot be condemned.  (Titus 2:7)
Something to think about
  I think the key in all of this is that we should be vigilant in what we say and do. We should be very different from the world.
Our churches should be a place where all are welcome regardless of who they are or their lifestyle.
Our Christian leaders should be held to a much higher standard than that of the world. And we should be willing to stand up to those leaders who are in error and correct them in accordance to scriptural principles.
All to often this does not happen but it must.
For if we do not live up to the standards of God. If we do not make our leaders both in the churches and in the media live up to the standards God has ordained for them it will have eternal consequences.
Eternal Consequences for those who don’t live up to the standard and those who were turned from Christ because of them.
Think about it.

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