Saturday, 17 January 2015



“Your freedom ends a moment before your fist hits a persons face”
Freedom is not a blank slate to do as we wish, for this would lead to anarchy and anarchy is not freedom.
Freedom comes with responsibility. The responsibility to respect the rights and beliefs of others.
Nelson Mandela wrote,
“For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.”
                                                Nelson Mandela.
While I would support the right of the French magazine Charlie Hebdo to exercise it’s freedom of speech. I would wonder at the wisdom of them portraying the prophet Mohamad in the way they did.
As a Christian I’ve seen lots of cartoons portraying Jesus in a negative way. It offends me but I certainly would not pick up a gun or bomb and attack anyone over it.
Still those involved with Charlie Hebdo knew to draw the prophet would cause trouble yet in the name of freedom of speech they went ahead with it.
Had they been respectful of the beliefs of those Muslims who believe it is wrong to picture their prophet in such a way there may not have been any funerals to go to.
Read the words of Nelson Mandela again,
“For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.”
                                                Nelson Mandela.
We should never, never give into terrorist or anyone who would restrict our freedoms. We should never let anyone use the gun to stop us criticizing what we disagree with.
At the same time we need to show respect.
I as a Christian understand what it is to have one’s beliefs come under attack. In Saudi Arabia the home of Islam, Christianity is not allowed to practice. Nor is it in North Korea and many other places around the world.
Christians die at the rate of one every four to seven minutes for their faith without them even saying a word in anger.
Yet true Christians still hold to their beliefs of, love of God, love their neighbour, love their enemy and even pray for their persecutors.
Likewise I believe as a Christian I need to respect the rights Islam to practice and I would never think to make fun of their beliefs.
Respect is the only way we can expect to have open dialogue with those whom we disagree. To make friends of enemies.
Certainly the members of Al-Qaeda, ISIS and other terrorist groups do not believe in respecting the rights of others. They are nothing more that modern day Hitler’s intent on waging world war three. They are evil, oppressive and need to be destroyed.
We need to stand up to the terror threat coming from the extremist of the Islamic world. We need to be stomping them out. We need to be fighting against anyone who would restrict our freedoms.
No one should die for words on a page or a pen and ink cartoon no matter how offensive it may be.
At the same time however we should respect the beliefs of others.
If we do not respect the beliefs of others and use our freedom to mock and wrongly persecute others we become like those who would try to destroy our way of life.
In showing respect and love to those whom we disagree with we may just win a friend and ally.
It’s a delicate balancing act to be sure but we need to do it. In order to truly be called a free people.
Think about it.

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