Saturday, 14 November 2015

Stand with France

Stand with France

As I write this it’s November 14th. Last night in Paris a series of terror attacks against innocent civilians has cause in excess of 120 dead and the death toll may still be rising.
Around the world terrorist attacks are taking the lives of thousands of people. The president of France is calling it an act of war.
Today let us no matter who we are stand with the people and government of France. Let us pray that the leaders of the free nations of the world will be given the courage to stand up once and for all to the hatred that is terrorism, even if it means using military force.
Winston Churchill said,
“Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival.”
                                     Winston Churchill.
Let us pray that our political leaders will act like Winston Churchill. That they will not go half heartedly into the fight against the evil of Islamic State and other terrorist groups.
Let us pray that the governments of the free world will bring their righteous might to bear upon those who would threaten our fundamental freedoms and security.
Let us pray for the peace of our world today.  
Let the deaths of Friday the thirteenth of November 2015 in Paris and the deaths of others around the world who have died at the hands of evil men and women not be in vain.
Stand with the people of Paris. Stand with the people of France.

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