Thursday, 26 October 2017


In the final line 1 John. The apostle makes a definite statement all believers even today must obey. He writes,
“Dear children, keep yourselves from idols. 1 John 5:21.
In John’s day idols were everywhere. Idol worship was in every city, town and village in the Roman world. Temples to the various Roman god’s were easily spotted.
Today in the twenty-first century we have as many idols if not more than existed in John’s day. They are just harder to spot.
Idols are anything we worship other than God knowingly or subconsciously. Money is perhaps top of the list. There are people who put the making of money above all else quiet often even their families. But there are other things. Everything from the latest designer clothing to computers to cell phones, consumer goods, to sporting and entertainment events, to
We just have to look at when a technology company announces the release of its latest, greatest gadget. The lineups for it start early in the morning and go for city blocks.
Now there is nothing wrong with having money or the latest electronic gadget or going to or participating in sports or entertainment events. Money, gadgets and other things can make our lives easier. Sporting and entertainment can help us relax.  The problem comes when we desire them more than we desire God.
Especially if you consider yourself a Christian you need to carefully consider what place money and possessions  and other things have in your life.
You need to ask yourself the question do I put the things of this world, ahead of God?
Please think about it.

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