Wednesday, 16 January 2019

Christian Duty

Christian duty
The Psalmist writes,
“For you created my inmost being; 
you knit me together in my mother’s womb. 
I praise you 
because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; 
your works are wonderful, I know that full well. 
My frame was not hidden from you 
when I was made in the secret place. 
When I was woven together in the depths of the earth,
 your eyes saw my unformed body. 
All the days ordained for me were written in your book 
before one of them came to be.” 
                                                                              Psalm 139:13-16
A few months ago I met Sean for the first time at his mothers funeral. I’d known Sean however for over thirty-eight years. You see Sean at one time was Anne my wife’s nice. She underwent Sexual reassignment surgery sometime ago transitioning to Sean.
As Anne, Sean had always had problems regarding who she was. As a result she’d dabbled in drugs, had been part of a lesbian relationship, all to no avail.
Finally one day she realized what was wrong and started the long process of psychological evaluation and eventually surgery to become Sean.
We were able to spend sometime with Sean and I asked him, “are you happy?” to which he replied, “Very happy and very content.”
I could see in his eyes he was being honest. Even though we were at the funeral of his mother a sad time, I could see that the very confused young woman I’d known for so long was in deed not only happy but content for the first time in his life.
I know many calling themselves Christians would not agree with what Sean did. That is between them and God.
What Sean did, did not change who he was on the inside. The transition did not change Sean as a person. Sean is still Sean an individual loved by God. And that is how we must look on anyone as and individual loved by God.
The scripture I quoted at the beginning of this blog post tells me God knows the individual on if you will, a genetic level. He knows what makes us what we are.
God does not see just what is on the outside of a person but what is on the inside. That is why God and God alone can judge the individual not man.
We as Christians must accept people for who they are, an individual loved by God, unconditionally. We must accept all people without judgement.
Billy Graham the American evangelist said it best,
“It is the Holy Spirits Job to Convict, 
God’s job to judge 
and my job to love." 
                                Billy Graham

If you claim to be a Christian do you?
Please think about it.

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