Monday, 11 May 2020

For preaching the Love of God

For preaching the Love of God
In the book of Acts we see the apostle Paul after being brought before King Agrippa in chains telling him how he was faithful to the vision he received on the road to Damascus when he became a believer in Christ Jesus. The book of Acts records.
"So then, King Agrippa, I was not disobedient to the vision from heaven. First to those in Damascus, then to those in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and to the Gentiles also, I preached that they should repent and turn to God and prove their repentance by their deeds.  
That is why the Jews seized me in the temple courts and tried to kill me.  
But I have had God's help to this very day, and so I stand here and testify to small and great alike. I am saying nothing beyond what the prophets and Moses said would happen—  that the Christ would suffer and, as the first to rise from the dead, would proclaim light to his own people and to the Gentiles." 
At this point Festus interrupted Paul's defence. "You are out of your mind, Paul!" he shouted. "Your great learning is driving you insane." 
"I am not insane, most excellent Festus," Paul replied. "What I am saying is true and reasonable.  
The king is familiar with these things, and I can speak freely to him. I am convinced that none of this has escaped his notice, because it was not done in a corner.  
King Agrippa, do you believe the prophets? I know you do." 
Then Agrippa said to Paul, "Do you think that in such a short time you can persuade me to be a Christian?" 
Paul replied, "Short time or long—I pray God that not only you but all who are listening to me today may become what I am, except for these chains." Acts 26:19-29.
The apostle Paul here was being persecuted for his beliefs. He was being persecuted for saying,
“...I preached that they should repent and turn to God and prove their repentance by their deeds.”Acts 26:20b.
If we are truly believers in Christ Jesus and are being persecuted this is what we should be being persecuted for. For calling those around us to “repent and turn to God”. For presenting the gospel of Christ Jesus.
Sadly many times here in North America with all our freedoms, those who claim to be Christians say they are being persecuted for their faith when they are not.
Many Christians here use their freedom of speech to condemn, judge and even attack, those they disagree with. Then when they receive criticism they call it persecution.
Many Christians particularly in the United States mix their politics with their faith and try to restrict the rights or take away rights of those they disagree with.
If we are truly servants of God then we will willingly sit down with those we disagree with, and in a loving way listen to them. While at the same time in a loving and respectful manner present the gospel of Christ Jesus.
The late American civil rights leader Martin Luther King jr. wrote,
“Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into friend.”Martin Luther King, Jr.
The whole gospel message is that of Love. The love of God not just for mankind as a whole, but for each individual. So, if we are to be persecuted for what we believe and what we are preaching let it be because we are preaching the Love of God.
Please think about it.

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