Friday, 29 September 2023

Do you force it

  Do you force it?

The apostle Peter wrote,

“But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,”1 Peter 3:15.

Are you prepared to respectfully give a reason for why you believe in Jesus? Sadly many who claim to be Christians are not. Worse still many calling themselves Christians want to force their faith on people. They even try to force governments to pass legislation that will force their faith on people.

All this does is force people away.

We as Christians must strive to present the gospel of Jesus Christ in a respectful way. If we want to see how we simply have to look at how the apostle Paul did so in Athens (Acts 17:17-34). Paul respected the beliefs of the Athenians while presenting the Gospel of Christ. The results were mixed. Some wanted to hear more. Some sneered at what he said. While some believed him.

When you present the gospel of Christ do you respect the beliefs of the people you’re presenting that gospel to?

OR do you try to force your beliefs on someone?

Please think about it.

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