Showing posts with label "God to me" Jesus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label "God to me" Jesus. Show all posts

Saturday, 6 October 2018

God to me

God to me
Over the years people have asked me what is the most important thing in my life? I tell them God. For God has truly blessed me. While at the same time been with me through some of the hardest days of my life.
Jesus said,
“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it agai+n, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. 
“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls.  
When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.” Matthew 13:44-46.
My belief in God is precious to me. That’s why I wish to do my best to represent Him in all I do. Especially when I present the Bible to anyone.
I believe it is of paramount that when I read the Bible I interpret it the right way. The way God intended.
It is easy to take portions of the Bible out of context and make it say what you want it to say. This however is wrong. One must do ones best to interpret the Bible correctly. Taking each word and verse in its proper context.
I firmly believe we should not only be reading the bible but we should be reading about the history and culture of Israel. The culture in which the Bible was written
It is far too easy to read the Bible and place our own cultural norms on it. This should not be so. 
The Bible was written I believe to show man what God expects of him and to point individuals to heaven.
If we misinterpret the Bible we run the risk of pointing both ourselves and others in the wrong direction. This can have eternal consequences.
Thus the question becomes.
If you claim to be a follower of Christ Jesus is God precious to you? 
Are you doing everything you can to interpret the Bible correctly?
Are you twisting the scriptures to suit your own beliefs?
Please think about it.