Showing posts with label "we can ignore but not evade". Show all posts
Showing posts with label "we can ignore but not evade". Show all posts

Sunday, 29 August 2021

We can ignore but not evade

  We can ignore but not evade

The Psalmist wrote,

"The heavens declare the glory of God; 

the skies proclaim the work of his hands." 

                                                                     Psalm 19:1

C. S. Lewis wrote,

"We may ignore, but we can nowhere evade, the presence of God." C.S.Lewis.

It is said that if the Universe was expanding just a little faster life as we know it on earth would not exist. Slower and the universe would collapse thus we would not exist.

What is striking about the universe and everything in it from the largest galaxy to the smallest subatomic particle is that it is perfect order for us to exist.

This to me points to a Creator God who made the heavens and the earth and everything in it. Science done correctly will I believe one day prove there is a mathematical formula for creating the universe.

Until that time we must simply look at the world around us to see the finger prints of God.

We must have faith that God exists. Which I think for many especially intellectuals is a very hard thing.

Werner Heisenberg father of Quantum Mechanics and Nobel prize winner in physics states,

“The first gulp from the glass of natural science will make you an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you" Werner Heisenberg.

Even Stephen Hawking stated,

“The universe and the laws of physics seem to have been specifically designed for us" Stephen Hawking.

Hawking also said,

“It would be very difficult to explain why the universe should have begun in just this way, except as the act of a God who intended to create beings like us,” Stephen Hawking.

Still ultimately each person must decide for themselves if God exists. What do you think?

Please think about it.