Today is International Holocaust remembrance day. A day set aside by the United Nations to remember the victims of the Nazi genocide.
The numbers are staggering for Jews alone, 6,258,673
Jews Killed by country,
Africa 526, Hungary 305,000, Albania 200,
Italy 8,000, Austria 65,000, Latvia 85,000
Belgium 24,387, Lithuania 135,000,
Czechoslovakia 277,000, Luxembourg 700, Denmark
77 Netherlands 106,000, Estonia 4,000,
Norway 728, France 83,000, Poland 3,001,000
Germany160,000, Romania 364,632, Greece 71,301,
Soviet Union 1,500,000, Yugoslavia 67,122
TOTAL: 6,258,673
Included in this count an estimated 1,100,000 Children.
Add to that in excess of 5,000,000 non-jews who were murdered in the death camps.
Poles, Romani gypsies,
Mentally and Physically disabled,
Freemasons, Slovenes,
homosexuals, Jehovah’s witnesses,
Christians of all faiths,
Spanish republicans,
Soviet prisoners of war,
Prisoners of war of other allied nations,
and many thousands more.
As someone who has always lived in the relative freedom of the west born after world war two, I cannot imagine the horrors those sentenced to the death camps underwent..jpg)
It amazes me how the free and democratic nations could allow such things to happen. Yet it did. Men like Neville Chamberlain the prime minister of England at the time, with all the best of intentions wanting peace, failed to see that you cannot bargain with despots like Hitler.
Even the American government at the time refused, at the start of the war to get involved. Many nations including Canada turned Jewish refugees away.
At the same time in Nazi occupied Europe there were many individuals at the risk of their own life, Christians, even Muslims hid Jewish families. Some would pay with their lives for doing the right thing, but because of their actions many Jews lived to tell their story.
Today there are those in the world who would deny Israel the right to exist. Many who wish to destroy Israel and murder the Jewish people.
Those who wish to do such atrocities are no better than that despotic Austrian corporal and his followers who plunged the world into world war.
These men are evil and are proving they will, like Hitler kill anyone from anywhere and of any faith who will not conform to their ways.
If world war two and the holocaust has shown us anything, it is that we cannot bargain with such men. They like Hitler and his henchmen need to be destroyed. They need to be at the very least put on trial for crimes against humanity.
We who live in the free democracies of the west need to be doing all we can to stop those who would murder innocent men women and children.
We need to stand with the Jewish people. Stand with Israel and all the peace loving countries of the world against a great evil that is before us.
As individual citizens we need to urge our politicians to do the right thing and stand up to the terrorist. We need to stand behind and support our troops as they stand in harms way protecting our way of life.
I believe it was Stephen Harper Canada’s prime minister who said we are in a war. I believe we are.
Our war may not consist of massive tank battles and daily air raids but it is no less a war a war that affects us all.
So as we remember the millions that died in the holocaust of world war two. Let us not forget the message it sends.
The message that we will never be able to appease evil men. Chamberlain waving his little piece of paper and proclaiming peace in our time could not in 1939. Nor will we be able to in 2015.
Let us remember the words of Martin Niemoller an anti-Nazi who wrotes,
Martin Niemoller
It will take the might of the free world to ensure our freedom of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
So pray that our politicians to do the right thing. Pray for our the men and women of our military that they may be safe.
And pray for Israel, the Jewish community the world over and for the peace of Jerusalem. For I believe it is only when the Jews and Jerusalem are at peace will the world truly be at peace.
Think about it