Showing posts with label false healers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label false healers. Show all posts

Tuesday, 24 May 2022

Beware of the Peddler Preacher

  Beware of the Peddler Preacher

The apostle Paul writes,

“Unlike so many, we do not peddle the word of God for profit. On the contrary, in Christ we speak before God with sincerity, like men sent from God.”2Corinthians 2:17.

In Pauls day there were men that preached Gods word for profit. Paul did not do this. He was a tent maker. He was what we today would call a bi-vocational pastor. He preached the word of God without asking for any remuneration. 

Now I can understand paying a pastor or evangelist a living wage. One that allows him to support himself and his family. A wage that allows him to concentrate on administering the word of God. There is also nothing wrong with a pastor who is a millionaire providing he came by it honestly.

What I can’t see is these millionaire evangelist who promise riches if you give to their ministry. Promises they never keep. Making it worse by blaming it on the believers lack of faith.

I believe these preachers should be held accountable in this world. I believe they should be asked to give away at least half their wealth to the poor.

I believe every miracle healing they claim to have done should be fact checked and if proven false they should be made step down from their ministry.

We make pastors evangelist and church leaders step down for immoral conduct all the time. 

To my way of thinking making false claims about healings and becoming rich if we give to their ministries is immoral also. Perhaps more so, as they are praying on the poor and sick.

Please think about it.