Sunday, 8 July 2018

A Statement from Psalms

A Statement from Psalms
The Bible makes these three statements,
“The fool says in his heart, 
“There is no God.” 
                        Psalm 14:1

I am under no delusion that someone claiming to be an ardent Atheist will be changed by what I say. I find such people while wanting me to listen to their argument and come over to their way of thinking, most have no intentions of believing what I say.
Their mind is closed.
The logic of an Atheist for me doesn’t make sense.
In order to beyond doubt know there is no God one has to have been everywhere and know everything. These are attributes only God has. Therefor they must me god.
So saying there is no God is wrong. For if they are all knowing and have been everywhere, attributes of God, they in effect are saying “I am god”.
Which by their logic means they don’t exist. Which we know is untrue because they exist.
Most people I find who claim to be Atheist are really people who have never bothered to look for God. They have never looked rationally at the facts that are out there.
Scientist agree the universe has a beginning. The big bang. The Bible agrees with this. Traditional Christians will tell you the universe was made in six day. Less traditional believers in God, who have looked at the bible and science will tell you the universe like most astrophysicist was made over billions of years. That the day mentioned in the book of Genesis represent epochs.
How God made it is unimportant God is God and could have done it either way. What is important is that God exists and that through creation we can see God. The Psalmist telling us,
“The heavens declare the glory of God; 
the skies proclaim the work of his hands. 
Day after day they pour forth speech; 
night after night they display knowledge. 
There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard.” 
                                                                                      Psalm 19:1-3.
One Astrophysicist I heard noted that the earth is in the exact perfect place in the universe for life to exist as we know it. That every thing from the largest galaxies to the smallest subatomic particle is in the right place to create life as we know it. That this points to a creator.
I firmly agree. I firmly believe that science done right will prove there is a God who created it all.
However the choice is yours. I cannot and will not impose my beliefs on anyone. All I would ask of each person who reads my blogs is to consider what I say and explore for yourself the Bible and science.
There is an excellent series of videos available on You tube by an astrophysicist and pastor named Huge Ross. Who focuses of the Bible and science. I would ask that you take time to view it with an open mind and make your own decision.
Please think about it

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