Saturday, 30 October 2021

In Whom

  In whom

The Psalmist writes,

"Some trust in chariots and some in horses, 

but we trust in the name of the LORD our God." 

                                                                       Psalm 20:7.

Where is your trust? If you claim to be a Christian, a believer in Christ Jesus, where is your trust?

As Christians we should be trusting in the Lord God Almighty. Sadly however many in North America where I live trust entirely in the things of this world. This should never be.

C. S. Lewis wrote,

"Never be afraid to trust an unknown future 

to a known God."

                         C. S. Lewis.

Thus my question to you; If you consider yourself a believer in Christ Jesus to what or whom do you trust your future to?

Please think about it.

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