Monday, 6 June 2022

I Know

  I know

"The heavens declare the glory of God; 

the skies proclaim the work of his hands." 

                                                                     Psalm 19:1

When it comes to Gods existence, God wants us to have faith that He exists. But I don’t believe He expects blind faith.

Ben Zion Bokser writes,

"I have not seen the robin but I know he is there because I heard him singing through my window from the tree-top outside.

I have not seen God.  But I have looked at my child's eyes, and have been overwhelmed by the miracle of unfolding life.

I have watched the trees bedeck themselves with new garbs of green in the spring, and have been stirred by the miracle of continual rebirth.

I have looked at the stars, and have been overcome by the miracle of the grandeur and majesty of the universe.

I know that God exists, because I have heard the song of His presence from all the tree-tops of creation." Ben Zion Bokser.

The more science reveals to us about the world, indeed the universe around us. The more they are discovering that it is created in such away as to allow life to exist as we know it.

Stephen Hawking one of the greatest minds of the twentieth century said,

“The universe and the laws of physics seem to have been specifically designed for us" Stephen Hawking.

William Philips Nobel prize winning Physicist, said.

“I believe in God more because of science than in spite of it"William Philips.

Werner Heisenberg father of Quantum Mechanics Nobel prize in physics notes,

“The first gulp from the glass of natural science will make you an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you" Werner Heisenberg.

These men who are far more knowledgeable than me have come to the realization that God exists through their work in science.

That being said there are many out there who don’t believe the science. They simply have the idea that God doesn’t exist, which is their right.

The question is do you believe God exists?

Please think about it.

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