Sunday, 22 May 2016



“A voice says, “Cry out.” And I said, “What shall I cry?” 
“All men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field. 
The grass withers and the flowers fall, because the breath of the LORD blows on them. Surely the people are grass. 
The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God stands forever.”    Isaiah 40:6-8.
The other day I was thinking about my mother she died young of cancer in her fifties.
My grandmother, her mother lived until her late nineties. Out living my mother by some twenty almost thirty years.
When I think of them I realize their lives were but a mist in time.
They were ordinary people. They didn’t accomplish great things but they had a good full life with family and friends around them. And that is all most people can expect.
Throughout the years I’ve read about and heard of talented musicians in particular, that have died by their own hand or of drug overdoses. For all their success they found it seems little meaning in life.
I know of people from various strata of society that simply find life meaningless. Sadly I know many who have attempted suicide.
Some can identify with the words of  William Wordsworth who wrote,
“We poets in our youth begin in gladness;      
but therefore came in the end to despondency and madness.’
Even the writer of Ecclesiastes wrote,
“I have seen all the things that are done under the sun; all of them are meaningless, a chasing after the wind.” Ecclesiastes 1:14.
And from a strictly human prospective its easy to think life has no meaning.
As someone who lives with Bipolar disorder (Manic depression)I understand what it is to look around and find everything meaningless. When I’m in deep depression everything seems meaningless.
However I know there is a God who loves me. A God who is there for me in my darkest hour. A God whom I believe has connected me with the right doctors, Psychiatrist and others who have helped me through some of the darkest days of my life.
Without God in my life my life would be meaningless.
However I know that no matter how deep the valley or how high the mountain top, my God is with me. That there is always hope.
Sadly all too many people in this world do not have that hope. They to paraphrase Wordsworth in their youth begin in gladness but their life ends in despondency and madness.
This should not be so because the voice of Jesus echos through the centuries saying,
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” Matthew 11:28,29.
I have found these words of Jesus to be true. He does give those who truly believe in Him rest for their souls no matter how dark the valley they may be going through.
Please think about it?
Post Script.
I mentioned I have a mental health issue. I am not alone it is estimated here in Canada and the United States one in five people have mental health issues.
Mental health issues are as real as any physical ailment. If you or someone you know is going through periods of deep depression for long periods at a time, hearing voices, hallucinating, or acting strangely, contact your family doctor and get help.
Sadly most people with a mental health issue will suffer in silence and not get help.
In Canada all provincial health plans cover treatment for mental health problems. If you need help in Canada you can also contact the Canadian Mental Health Association who will help you get help.
Other western countries have similar organizations.
Don’t wait to get help. The sooner you get help the better things will be.
Note to Christians
It has also been, sadly, my personal experience that Christians are least likely to get professional help. Something that should not be so. God put doctors and psychiatrist on this earth for a purpose. If you need one don’t be ashamed to use one. It will not lessen your faith.

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