Friday, 22 March 2019

Your Choice

Your Choice
Luke’s gospel quotes Jesus as saying,
“Again he asked, “What shall I compare the kingdom of God to?  
It is like yeast that a woman took and mixed into a large amount of flour until it worked all through the dough.” Luke 13:20,21.
This is like the message of Jesus today. For over two thousand years now the message of salvation through Christ Jesus has gone throughout the world. It has reached every nation in the world.
Sadly many nations do not like the message. Christians around the world are persecuted for their faith daily.
Oddly many governments who are atheist who say there is no God persecute Christians harshly. Which begs the question if God does not exist what have atheist nations to worry about? They can’t be hurt by something that doesn’t exist.
The fact is what Christians teach is true whether you want to believe it or not. Ultimately the choice is up to you the individual.
Before you make that choice however I would say at least read the New Testament for yourself. Don’t rely on what others say about it. Read it for yourself and then decide whether you believe it or not.
Please think about it.

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