Thursday, 5 November 2020

The Bible or the Constitution

 The Bible or the Constitution

The apostle Paul wrote,

"Let each of you look not only to your own interests, 

but also to the interests of others." 

                                                                 Philippians 2:4.

The year is 2020 a year like no other for everyone on the planet. A year that tests Christians. A year in which I am amazed at some American Christians. They say they believe the Bible yet are forgetting the words of the apostle Paul who said,

"Let each of you look not only to your own interests, 

but also to the interests of others." 

                                                                 Philippians 2:4.

Instead they are demanding “their right to assemble in large groups without social distancing or masks”. 

As I understand it no one is stopping Christians or any other group from worshipping. All that is being asked is that they follow health guidelines to protect those around them. They are being asked to look to the interest of others.

Sadly all to often in the United States especially, the constitution written by fallible men, takes priority over the infallible word of God. With personal rights coming before the rights of others. This is certainly not what the apostle Paul taught. 

If you are an American reading this which is more important to you, The Bible or the constitution?

      If you are living outside the United States which is more important to you the constitution of your country or the Bible? And don’t say both your can’t serve two masters.

Please think about it.

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