Wednesday, 17 April 2019

Who do you serve?

Who do you serve?

            Joshua said,

“Now therefore,
 fear the LORD,
serve Him
in sincerity
and truth,
and put away the gods which your fathers served
on the other side of the river and in Egypt.  Serve the LORD!
And if it seems evil to you to serve the LORD,
choose for
this day
whom you
will serve, 
whether the
gods which your
fathers served
that were on the other side
of the river,
or the gods 
of the Ammorites,
in whose land you dwell.
But as for me and my house,
 we will serve the LORD.”
                                     Joshua 24:14 & 15
Like it or not there are many gods in the twenty-first century. Money, material possessions, selfish ambition, political ambition. Anything that pulls you away from God is an idol.
Sadly many claiming to be Christians and many calling themselves Christian evangelist and pastors worship those gods also.
Thus the question is do you?
Please think about it.

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