Wednesday, 15 April 2020

Fix your eyes on God

Fix your eyes on God
The apostle Paul wrote,
“So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” 2 Corinthians 4:18.
Where are your eyes fixed? Are your eyes fixed on God or on the things of this world? As Christians. As believers in Christ Jesus, we should have our eyes fixed on God.
We are in unprecedented times. Thousands of people are sadly dying around us. Governments are warning us not just about catching Covid-19, but of possible mental health issues that come from living in a pandemic.
Mental health issues is something I understand. I have lived most of my life with Bipolar affective disorder and an anxiety disorder that has caused me a great deal of grief over the years. Fortunately, now, after much anguish, my illness is kept relatively under control with medication.
Just a warning note here. It is my firm belief that anyone who thinks they have a mental health disorder should contact a doctor or their local mental health service. There is always hope for anyone in mental distress. Don’t try to handle it alone. Remember God allowed doctors and mental health professionals to exist to help those who need help.
That being said one of the many things that have helped me through the roughest times with my illness before I got help. Before I was diagnosed, was my faith in God.
With my moods swinging wildly and not knowing what was happening. With me quite literally thinking I was going insane, I turned to God for direction.
The psalmist writes,
“I lift up my eyes to the hills— 
where does my help come from? 
My help comes from the LORD,
 the Maker of heaven and earth.” 
                                           Psalm 121:1,2.
My help did come from God. I am convinced that he directed me to the right psychiatrist and mental health programs that stabilized me. Allowing me to live a relatively normal life.
By faith I fixed my eyes on what was not seen, God, and God directed my paths.
He did it for me and He can do it for you.
Please think about it.

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