Sunday, 9 November 2014

A Testimony

A Testimony

She stood for a long moment, looking at him, snow blowing around her in swirls, glistening in the bright light.
A few short hours ago, she’d thought him an inmate at the institution, they’d been visiting.  Now, he was offering her a chance to find a job in the city.
Questions, dozens of questions went through her head.  Was it God’s will?  Did she want to take the chance, the risk?  Could she move from the small town she’d known all her life?  Was she ready to move?
For uncounted years, as a child she’d been abused by the hands of her stepfather.  Had it not been for the love of Christian friends, she’d surely have gone mad.  Now, she’d have to leave those friends.  To go with a stranger.
Was this the door opening, allowing her to escape the stigma of her traumatic past?
Standing amid the arc lights of the prison parking lot, she would have to make a decision.
He stood there, watching her.  The snow on the ground, reflecting the intense artificial lighting, making the midnight black as bright as day.
God had make it clear, she was the one.  Yet, he couldn’t tell her.  God made that clear.  All he could do was invite her to come and look for a job.
In a few hours, a hundred miles would separate them.  A seemingly, insurmountable obstacle.  Yet, he knew she was the one and God would find a way.
He had no idea the LORD had opened a prison door that night, setting a captive free, and although the hallway to freedom would take some years to transverse, the journey had begun.  A love story beginning with a single word, “yes.”
The above story I know is true. It is testimony to what the apostle Paul writes,
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” 
                                                Romans 8:28.
You see that is the beginning of a love story that has lasted from that moment until now. A love story that is still continuing.
It is how my wife and I met. I was with a gospel group invited to perform at a coffee shop in a small town in Northern Ontario and then at some minimum security prisons.
My now wife was with the organizers.
I know non-Christians might think our meeting was by chance. But I’m convinced it wasn’t. My wife and I were truly made for each other.
We are not as one would say ‘normal’ we are when it come down to it a little odd which in many ways has served us well.
In the thirty-seven years since our meeting have served the Lord in various capacities and never once in all that time has he let us down.
In another few days we will have been married thirty-five years.
True we have had our ups and downs we have seen our eight year old son hit by a car almost killing him and putting him into a coma. The doctors telling us he would have brain damage.
They didn’t take into account the power of prayer. Today some twenty-six or so years later there is no sign of brain injury.
While living in a rural area we watched our uninsured house burn down before the fire department could do anything taking with it all our belongings.
At the same time we seen God’s provision. In less than two days we had a house full of furniture, clothing and all we could ever need to start over. God has been very good to us.
More recently we received a call from Africa where our twenty-six year old youngest son had fallen from a roof and badly broken his leg. A break that would need special surgery.
Miraculously they were near one of the best hospitals in Kenya where there was an excellent bone specialist from England available to perform the surgery. God had once again provided.
We have never doubted what our Lord and Saviour can and does do for us.
We are not rich in a materialistic sense but we are rich in many other ways.
We have been blessed with wonderful children, all of whom are serving the Lord today.
We have been blessed with good friends and church family.
And we can sing with David,
“Give thanks to the LORD, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done. 
Sing to him, sing praise to him; tell of all his wonderful acts. 
Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the LORD rejoice. 
Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always. 
Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles, and the judgments he pronounced,...” 
                                                                                                 1 Chronicles 16:8-12
Can you?
            Think about it.

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